Mountain Niners Golf Club
Womens Nine Hole Play
Welcome to the Mountain Niners Golf Club. We are a women's group playing 2-3 times a week of 9 hole golf at the Incline Village Mountain Course. We have women in our group of all skill levels. You can join to play 9 holes or just join for social events. Please go to the Membership Tab for our 2025 application. Our season runs June through September.

About Our Club
A Fun, Social Golf Club for all skill levels
The Mountain Niners Golf Club is a women’s nine-hole golf club dedicated to the game of golf, the social enjoyment of its membership, and its ties to the Incline Village community. The Mountain Niners was formed in 2009, as the need for a ladies nine-hole golf club became evident. It is our wish to promote women golfing in a comfortable atmosphere whether they have played for many years or are just starting out. Membership is open year-round to women in the area. The Mountain Niners play predominantly at the Incline Village Mountain Golf Course.
Have a Question-Contact Us
690 Wilson Way
IVGID, Washoe County 89451